Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ready to roll...

Okay so this afternoon I posted the last few posts from my myspace blog on here, so at least now the place feels a bit more lived in :) The other site is always still available if you are interested in older stuff. (Although I'm not sure why you would be.)

In other news - I cut the grass today! The neighbor guy came and told me if I ever wanted him to mow my backyard with his riding mower to just let him know. Tempting. Also, I got my first support letter response for my East Asia trip in the mail today! Praise God - this thing is actually happening now, we are underway baby! I have my second training day saturday and then I get to go camping with my amazing coach group at McKinney State Falls Park. Fun shall be had by all. Although, I'm not sure if the crew is ready to meet the 2am, loses all her inhibitions Cher. Hmmm.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

First blogspot post...

Most of my friends are using blogspot these days so I thought I'd join in on the fun... I have all my old posts on my myspace blog, but maybe I can get those transferred here one of these days. If you want to see that blog click here.

In other news... I officially have my last college class ever tomorrow (WHOOP!) but to be honest it's a bittersweet moment. I have loved loved loved my time in Aggieland and I will always be an Aggie through and through! On that note, I need to go write my paper that is due at 8 am tomorrow. IT security is a fascinating topic and I need to dedicate four pages worth of thoughts to convincing my professor of this fact. :)

Love y'all!


Friday, March 2, 2007

The Beauty of Contentment...

Hello Beautiful Friends :) Well it's been a while, but I havn't felt inspired by anything recently, so I just decided to wait until the inspiration came. Yesterday must have been like my "introspective catch up day" because all the thoughts flooded me at once. So I decided to share one of those thoughts with you :)

I have been learning the greatest things about contentment lately! It's amazing how God reveals sin in our lives at the most random moments. It's like a light comes on and we can finally start to climb out the hole we never realized we had even fallen in. I am reading "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow with an awesome christian woman at my church this semester. There are many things in life I have chosen to be discontent about, but until recently I never realized the weight my discontentment placed on me. A missionary mentioned in the book was quoted as having lived by her own "keys to contentment". These keys were as follows:

1. Never allow yourself to complain about anything - not even the weather.
2. Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or somplace else
3. Never compare your lot with anothers
4. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
5. Never dwell on tomorrow - remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours.

I am convicted on EVERY one of those points! If we could train ourselves to adopt these life habits, imagine how much more peace we would have. It reminds me of when I was little and my mom would take me to mall and remind me to have "tunnel vision" - go in for what you want and don't get caught up in letting your eyes wander to the hundreds of sparkley things thrust in front of you - that will almost certainly end in discontentment! Personally, I struggle sometimes with fears about the career I've chosen (accounting) and how that will ultimately impact other areas of my life and my desire to pursue creative outlets (the jokes about the dull lives of CPA's abound, but just ask me if you want me to go off on THAT soapbox!). Then I stop and realize, that God made me just the way I am - and I believe he has guided me to the places I am today. I must choose to be content with TODAY, realizing that God blesses whatever I do, if it is done for his glory and with a right heart. I must give my tomorrows to God. My job today is to wake up every morning, and make good choices. Choices that glorify my heavenly father. I will pray and ask God to bring me the other desires of my heart in his timing - for his word clearly says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4. He does not make us with passions only to ask us to walk away from them. (Yes, there are circumstances where God does require sacrifice - but I find that sacrifice normally has more to do with our selfish desires and perversions than the actual passion itself). So I pray - then I breathe deeply and let all the stress and anguish of subconsiously fighting for something I don't have or havn't experienced dissipate away from me... it's like a strong cleansing wind comes over me and wisks away the ugly black cloud of discontentment that was holding my joy captive. And all of a sudden a new beautiful me - a me that radiates with the light and peace of the one who lives in me (that's God!) steps forward to take on today. Hallelujah!

Ultimately remember this - we are eternal creatures. Our time on this earth is short. If we have trusted in Christ and believe the truth of his sacrifice on our behalf, we will surely spend our eternity in the presence of our King! What is this life in comparison to an eternity in heaven? Nothing. I echo the apostle Paul in saying... "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ." Philippians 3:8. Paul - you were SO the man.

Oh - P.S. I would like add a 6th key to contentment... take time every day to pray a prayer of thanksgiving for all the blessings in your life. Not only does God long to hear from us - there is nothing that will keep your perspective in check like a good dose of counting your blessings!!

Love y'all more than you know-
