Monday, September 8, 2008

Labor Day Weekend!

So it's been almost a million years since I posted anything, but I wanted to share the amazing videos from the weekend at the Jamber's Ranch. My friends are amazing!!!

Jambers Ranch 1

Jambers Ranch 2

Jambers Ranch 3

Jambers Ranch 4

Jambers Ranch 5

Jambers Ranch 6

Hope you enjoyed them!
xoxo - Cher

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Beautiful Day

I love listening to KSBJ... especially in the afternoon when Liz Jordan is dj'ing. If you've never listed to her... she sounds like she is always smiling when she talks. You don't meet many people who radiate joy, even when you can't see their face! That's something special. Also, from looking at her blog, I have been able to gather that she lives in my neighborhood (I think!). I just think that's pretty cool.

Anyways- this morning I had the chance to sleep in and it was FABULOUS! After I got up and took my time getting dressed I headed out for a while. I went for a 1:30 appointment to get my eyebrows waxed with my favorite new lady - Lily from Montrose Nails. This sweet little Vietnamese woman is so chatty and literally pays the most attention to detail of anyone I've ever been to. This is my second time to go to her, and I've been really happy both times. And for $8 dollars, you can't beat it! (That's just a little free advertising for Ms. Lily if anyone lives near here and is looking for a good place to go!)

Afterwards I went by Walgreens and dropped off my perscription for ACCUTANE! (Finally!!) It's been a long process getting here, but the doctor finally agreed to put me on accutane and I've waited patiently for two months making all the "preparations" I needed to to be able to take the medicine. (For those not aware, if women get pregnant on accutane the babies are born with SERIOUS defects... so they require any girl taking the medicine to be on birth control for at least a month ahead of time.) I am really looking forward to seeing how the medicine works - I'll keep you posted!

Finally - I went to Bookstop and bought two books I've been hearing about: "My Utmost for His Highest" and "Having a Mary heart in a Martha World"... then took my new books out to the park by Buffalo Bayou and read a while (I also listened to Amos Lee on my ipod :). I will admit I fell asleep for a LITTLE while. It was wonderful.

Now I'm back in the apartment relaxing and trying NOT to think about all the cleaning that needs to get done. Haha... I needed a relaxing day!

Just thought I'd share... hope your day was just as relaxing :)


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Sunday...

I've decided that this blog site really needs an overhaul. I would be more inspired to write in it if I actually enjoyed looking at the page itself. What was I thinking with this gray business? Be on the lookout for a snazzier design soon.

It is officially "the busy season" (or the "b.s." as certain non-accountant friends like to refer to it as) and work is in full swing. This time of year can be taxing (no pun intended) and overwhelming at times, but it's really what we work all year towards. This is the "big show" so to speak. I have been a bit out of touch recently due to the long hours, but we file on February 27th, so life will be back to normal shortly thereafter.

In other news, please be praying for my jaw - I have dealt with TMJ in the past, but recently it has come back with a vengance. I think the stress of the season is getting to me. I woke up last Sunday with my jaw locked shut and couldn't get it open until Monday night. I visited my TMJ doctor and he is making me a new splint, but it won't be available until early March. Meanwhile I'm getting by with muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory meds, but I don't enjoy taking medicine, so it's a bit burdonsome. My jaw is still locked every morning when I wake up, but I normally can get it open with a little massage and heat. Today though, it's being cranky and is staying stiff for some reason. Looks like we might have another soup day on our hands.

Final thoughts - today is going to be a great day (despite the jaw). I am using today as a day to reclaim my sensibilities by doing some cleaning, resting, and recovering. I am about to go make a cup of coffee and dive into finishing up some long neglected laundry and vaccuming. Then, later tonight, me and the roomates are going to have a pow-wow to plan our long awaited vacation! It's pretty exciting :) Oh, and most importantly, I plan to spend some good time with the Lord today. I have definitely let that fall to the wayside in the past couple of weeks, and that is just a shame. God deserves so much more of me.

Here's to quiet days of rest and relaxation - I havn't been giving anyone my best lately, and I need to make sure that changes, starting tomorrow. Today I will do the legwork to get there :)

Love y'all - Cher

P.S. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Congratulaltions on an amazing 29 years of marraige! You both have provided Lauren and I such a magnificent picture of what a loving marraige looks like - I couldn't ask for better parents who love each other more!