One of my favorite Cox family Christmas traditions is picking out my new ornament every year from Hallmark. We each have our "things"... dad gets a train, Lo gets a puppy, Mom gets a church, and I pick out a different angel every year. I love each and every one of my sweet angels and picked them each because they spoke to me in some small way that year. Since mom said tomorrow is the big "break down" day I spent some time this afternoon taking pictures of my beautiful angels so I can remember them until next Thanksgiving when they come out again. I have put a few of my favorites at the top with their special stories. The rest you can see towards the bottom of the post!
This pretty little angel was the first one I ever picked. I believe we started our collections somewhere between 1994 and 1996 after we moved to Kingwood. She is actually a sweet little bell. Her slightly crooked little halo and soft peachy lips make me fall in love with her!
This ornament was instant love at first sight - she is supposed to be a little girl in a church pageant with her tin-foil wings and her homemade dress. She recites the story of Jesus' birth from the bible in the sweetest little voice you've ever heard!
This is my all-time favorite angel (to date!) She is a Madame Alexander angel and she reminded me of a beautiful antique Madame Alexander doll my mom has in our house which I always thought was so beautiful!
The year I picked this little one I decided to veer away from the strict definition of angels and allow “winged creatures” in general to make the cut. Look at her adorable green eyes and mistletoe! How could I possibly say no?!
When you stroke her harp strings they play Angels we Have Heard on High!
She’s a little cookie jar… if you open her up there are 3 little cookie ornaments inside!
I LOVED this angel the year I got her (1997 as it says on her scarf). This year when I pulled her out of the box I decided to read her “story” – turns out she’s a Kwanzaa angel! Ha! I decided then and there she could be anything I wanted her to be – and she’s my beautiful little African CHRISTMAS angel!
Other beautiful angels I’ve collected over the years: