So last night I was blog surfing and read the blog of a sweet girl from work... her and her husband have recently taken on the incredible challenge/responsibility/JOY of adopting a baby! In reading about some of their journey, I was reminded that I am NOT the only one dealing with having patience and trusting God this year! It was such a blessing to read about how strong they have been throughout this slow process... so if she reads this - THANKS :)
Basically – I’ve been dealing with some severe patience issues lately and while I hardly ever question WHAT God is doing in my life, I have REALLY been questioning his timing, which to me, is very illogical! But I have to remember, His ways are higher than my ways, and that I cannot lean on my own understanding. It will only bring heartache and frustration. I am effectively letting the enemy taint what God intends to be a joyful and sweet process – because in the end, God’s will WILL be accomplished. But when I look back on it 10 years down the road, will the journey to get there be remembered as a sweet time that I basked in the joy of God’s powerful and almighty hand, standing in awe and excitement at all he was accomplishing apart from me? Or will it be remembered as that time that I was filled with anxiety and grief over the minor details that didn’t sit well with me? I sincerely hope the former, but if I’m not careful, I am going to spoil one of God’s most radical moments in my life.
I prayed specifically this morning that God would give me a hyper-awareness of His love for me and a double dose of trust as I make the conscious choice to change my perspective!
Thanks for your transparency, Cher! You are so right that we can totally ruin the journey if we keep focusing on the destination. Hang in there and know that you have others like me praying for you as well!