Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Aggie Dog

Now that my friends, is one darn cute Aggie. The tent sale had doggie shirts on sale for $5.
Now before you bite my head off for being one of "those dog owners" lets just keep our perspective. For one, she lives with my parents, so I'm sort of like the grandma that gets to spoil her on visits. And I am really not the type to completely frill out her dog - but come on - for $5?! I just couldn't resist. Also, check out the double strand pearl "necklace" I made her for Christmas. Very Barbara Bush, no? What can I say... I love my dog :) Besides, I'm pretty sure that t-shirt came off about 2 seconds after this pic was taken.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love this picture (and your confession/defense).
