Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 3 - Best Article

December 3 - What's an article that you read that blew you away? One that you shared with all your friends...

I have to admit that I’m not much of an “article” reader. I do however LOVE to watch online news stories, documentaries, etc. which is where I found this story. I think it still falls under the journalism umbrella, so I’m calling it good.

I’ll throw out the disclaimer right off the bat – I can’t be for certain I saw this is 2009, but it definitely has had a huge impact on my 2009 – and an impact on countless friends who I’ve force fed the message too! At some point either in 2009, or shortly before, I was introduced to the following little research study:

The Lemon in your Drink Study

Just go ahead and watch it – you’ll never ever be able to drink a glass of iced tea with lemon without images of… well you’ll see…

For those far too important to be taking 1:38 of your day to watch the news segment above, I’ll give you the highlight reel:

  • Researchers tested the lemons found on drinks in 21 different restaurants.
  • 77%, or 2 out of 3 lemons tested were crawling with disease causing bacteria including the germs that cause Staph infections and my personal favorite… FECAL MATTER.
  • All in all, researchers identified 25 different microorganisms living on the rind and flesh of these fruit wedges.

All I’m saying is – think twice before tossing your beloved lemon into your iced tea. Unless of course eating poo is your thing, in which case, please knock yourself out.

You think it won’t bother you – but just wait until next time you're out and staring at that little yellow cess pool of germies perched so festively on the side of your drink. Your heart will scream yes – but your mind isn’t going to let you do it. Just wait and see. Now if only I could get you all to stop eating veal… :)


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